Organized Crime Lawyers
Lawyers specialized in Organized Crime, Panama.
Is being investigated for the crime of Organized Crime? Wants to prevent any practice related to the Crime of Organized Crime?
Our specialized lawyers in Organized Crime of Panama, advise and defend organizations, business conglomerates, financial institutions, state entities, businessmen and public servants in criminal investigation for the alleged crime of Organized Crime, also known as Organized Crime, under international law and the Panama laws.
Remember that it is important to have a Lawyer specialized in Organized Crime to assist and defend you from the very beginning.
Besides our services can be given through a preventive advice or representation in an extrajudicial declaration, administrative diligence or criminal process according to your needs.

What is the Crime of Organized Crime?
The crime of Organized Crime is a crime against Collective Security typified in the Criminal Code of Panama in its Article 328-A, created by Article 41 of Law 121 of December 31, 2013, “Which Reform the Criminal Code, Judicial and Criminal Procedure and adopts measures against activities related to the crime of Organized Crime”.
The crime is configured when one or more persons belong to an organized criminal group, that alone, or united with others, has the purpose of committing a series of crimes described as serious crimes in the Panamanian criminal legislation.
For the investigation of this crime, was created by Article 74 of Law 769 of 2011, a Specialized Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime.
At the international level the Republic of Panama is a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols, which was adopted by Law 23 of 2004, and these international standards that apply simultaneously with the rules contained in the aforementioned Law 121 of 2013 which also allows the use of Special Investigative Techniques (Undercover Operations, Surveillance and Monitoring, Controlled Deliveries, Controlled Purchases and Interception of Communications and Seizure of Data).
Our Organized Crime specialized lawyers at José María Castillo y Asociados have the detailed and specific knowledge and skills necessary to successfully defend people who are accused of organized crime in Panama.
Contact us and we will give you an appointment with our organized crime lawyers at our Panama City office.
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Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between organized crime and criminal group?
The criminal group is conjunctural, its structure is flexible and born occasionally, generally, the criminal group does not present a formal assignment of functions can be formed remotely and do not have a joint infrastructure. On the other hand, organized crime have less flexibility, a hierarchical structure, with the allocation of functions in vertical and horizontal relationships.
Elements of Organized Crime
Quantitative Element: at least three persons organized and associated to commit the crime. This plurality of subjects must be significant.
Temporality Element: the group’s association agreement must be consistent, stable and lasting, it must not be sporadic or occasional.
Element of Infrastructure: organized crime groups have a common and complex infrastructure.
Element of division of labor: in organizational structures each member has its specialty and is part of a team. There is a hierarchical structure.
Entities that prosecute organized crime
The Public Prosecutor’s Office through the Prosecutor’s Office against organized crime
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (ONUDD) with technical and financial support for anti-corruption programs, border control, drug demand reduction, prison reform, witness protection and victim assistance, criminal intelligence of Panama.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Antiterrorism analysis Unit.

If you are interested in our services as criminal lawyers or wish to talk to us we invite you to contact us.
Our specialized lawyers in organized crime in Panama have extensive experience in defending clients who are under investigation or charged with organized crime or economic crimes. Consequently, our in-depth knowledge of litigation allows us to give advice that is not only theoretically correct but that contemplates all the practical obstacles that clients face in everyday business or criminal proceedings.
Through our work we have successfully obtained the filing of organized crime charges for the evolution of assets seized as part of investigations with the respective restoration of rights. We have also advised clients to take proactive measures that have prevented potentially costly litigation.